Setting up FireWall Settings To Run EchoLink Program With WindowsXP Pro:


Home Configuration Info

Thanks to Vern (VE9VEA) for this great information on how to set up the WindowsXP firewall!!

Setting up FireWall Settings To Run EchoLink Program With WindowsXP Pro:

                     ( Should Be The Same for WindowsXP Home Edition)

            Step 1…….Click “Start Button” to Open Start Menu.

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            Step 2……Click “Control Panel”

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            Step 3…..With Control Panel Window Open….Highlight the “NetWorks

                          Connections “ Icon….Now Double Click this Icon to Open

                          The NetWorks Connections Window.

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            Step 4…..With NetWorks Connection Window open….Highlight the

                           “ Internet Connection/Modem” Icon to  Drop Down the

                           “NetWork Tasks” DropDown Menu to the UpperLeft Side

                           of Your Screen.Click “Change Settings of This Connection”

                           Or……Right Click the “Internet Connections Icon” to Open 

                           Its Menu.Here You Can Click on “Properties” to Open if

                          You Wish to enter the Properties This Way.             

                           Either of the above will bring you to the Open Properties


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            Step 5….. At The Open “Properties Window”…..Click The “Advanced

                           TAB” to Open.

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              Step 6….. If The “Internet Connection Firewall” Box isChecked…..

                           Then Proceed to the next Step 7.

                           If the Connection Firewall Box is not checked…..You can

                           Operate on the Internet with the risk of No  Firewall or

                            place a Check Mark  in the Box to turn on your Firewall

                            for added Protection and proceed to Step 7.

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            Step 7…... At the Lower Right Corner of the Advanced Tab Window

                            Click Settings  Button.

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           Step 8….. Now The Advanced Tab  Window will be open.

                           At The Lower Left…..Click the Add Button  to Open

                           The Service Settings Window.

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             Step 9….. In The 1st of the Service Settings  Window Boxes type the

                          Following Italized phrases content:

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                          Description of Service Box:


                          Name or IP Address Box:


                         External Port Number:

                                 5200                                  Check TCP Box

                         Internal Port Number:


                        Click  “OK” to close Window.

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       Step 10…… Open The 2nd of the Service Settings  Windows and type the

                        Following content:

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                        Description  of Service Box:


                        Name or IP Address Box:


                       External Port Number:

                              5198                                     Check  UDP Box

                       Internal Port Number:


                       Click  “OK” to close Window

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     Step 11….  Open The 3rd  of the Service Settings  Windows and type the

                      Following content:

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                         Description  of Service Box:


                        Name or IP Address Box:


                       External Port Number:

                              5199                                     Check  UDP Box

                       Internal Port Number:


                       Click  “OK” to close Window

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    Step 12…..  Now with the Advanced Services  Window Open…..You should

                      the word “EchoLink  3 times.Make sure the Boxes  are each

                       checked. Click “OK” to close and you should be away to the

                       with EchoLink opening your FireWall when it is started for

                       use.It works for me.

                       73’s To All and Good Luck.

                       Vern de VE9VEA.

                        This is copyrighed material and may be used with or without the consent of the previous owner

                                       who picked and pecked at the keys to produce this work of editorial genious copy.

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